Pittsboro and Chatham County residents aren’t the only folks tired of what feels like continuous rain so far this year. Spoiled by an abundance of sunshine as 2019 came to a close, the rains of 2020 so far have been a bit challenging.
But that has not slowed our progress, nor our enthusiasm. Local partners Sanford Contractors, Inc. continue to work tirelessly to stay on schedule, preparing the MOSAIC site for soon-to-come vertical construction.
Passersby may have noticed the aesthetically-pleasing walls being constructed, outlining MOSAIC and facing Penguin Place and Russet Run. Also, future MOSAIC roads, Freedom Parkway and Mosaic Boulevard, are coming into view.
And construction has begun on Building T’s parking deck, with Building H’s parking deck not far behind. Facing Freedom Parkway, Building T will be conveniently located next to the new hotel (Pittsboro’s first), with first-floor retail topped by second and third floor office.
A little rain cannot dampen our enthusiasm for growth in Pittsboro and Chatham County. Stay on top of our construction updates by subscribing to our monthly email here.
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